~ The people who design Woolworths decide to change all the aisles around as soon as they think you've just adapted to it so it keeps you interested.
~ It is not in the male gene to sleep with girls and not care about their feelings. Just most men are like that.
~ Its not a human right to be loved by your parents.
~ If friends copy you it's not because they want to be like you, its too majorly piss you off.
~ Most people design their myspaces to make themselves look cooler than they are.
~ People who insist they are trustworthy of secrets are insecure and need to feel like someone trusts them.
~ Not all feminists are lesbians.
~ Nerds are the ones who don't care what people think.
~ Anyone who thinks apologising is a sign of weakness has alot of weakness in themselves. And is selfish. Very selfish. Yes I mean you.
~ Religions like scientology and bands like Kiss and Slipknot are very 'look at me' and make up stupid beliefs/dress up because they want to seem like an exclusive religion/their music is shit.
~ People who insult you aren't insecure or secretly jealous. Maybe they're just bored.
~ Photoshopping and photography show more artistic talent than painting and drawing.
~ Bitching about weather is very conversational.
~ People make better looking people than themselves on The Sims.
~ Spelling is extremely important.
~ People with extravagant bedrooms are lonely.
~ Everyone can do whatever the fuck they want.
~ What people wear says alot about them. So does who they go out with.
~ Certain girls love being called sluts.
~ People who go hyper all the time are miserable.
~ You don't come out a stronger person after being dumped.
~ Someones greatest asset is how they handle difficult friends.
~ Inner beauty is defined by what you believe in.
~ The future is constantly changing.
~ Teachers really do like to see students do well. Except the ones they hate : )
~ Everyone has a way of expressing themselves. Whether its gushing to their friends, art, writing poems, playing music,
~ Heroes are a good thing to have. Mine is a certain author that hates men.
~ There's at least one person you think doesn't like you, who thinks about you everyday.
~ No one is completely happy with themselves. Everyone wants what they don't have.
~ Manners are essential.
~ Reality shows are social experiments.
~ In the time you straighten your hair, a child is abused.
~ People who constantly lol or haha are really boring.
~ Aussie pride is gay. (Too judgemental?)
~ Being judgemental isn't a horrible thing...
~ If you wear a tiara, every girl in the room will hate you.