Friday, September 18, 2009

Hippie-ish mood

It happens rarely, but when I'm in a daze of happiness I turn into a bit of a hippie. I eat nothing but vegetarian wraps, tofu and fruit. I start picking flowers, arranging lollipops, drawing bunnies, dancing to indie music and skipping everywhere. It annoys the hell out of Tom because I randomly say "lets lie on the grass and make grass angels!" or "lets go buy some mcdonalds and give it to the homeless!"
I wear dresses and put butterfly clips in my hair. I may look ridiculous but I feel like the world has nothing bad in it. It's the nicest mood in the world to be in and I wish it happened more often.
Maybe it's like a multiple personality thing. Like United States Of Tara. Except my promiscous side hasn't come out in YEARS.
I really had no idea what to get on the yr 12 jersey. People were saying Kerrplunk, Amandarin, Amandarama, Mandy Candy....
But I got a smiley face =] its something I won't regret getting.
I've been in a really bitchy mood lately. I have no idea how Tom puts up with me. He's the only person who gets a full view of my bitchy persona.
Its probably because of exams. I've been studying like a mad woman and I still don't think I'll do well in anything. Maybe except society and culture, I looked like the biggest nerd the other day when i was answering every question as if im a text book.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The best friend.

Her name is Ashlea. We met in kindergarten when we were both loners and our teacher Mrs Foote (haha like foot) introduced us. Ashlea remembers it but I don't, I wish I did. She's the kindest, sweetest, most understanding friend anyone could ever have. She would never break a promise, and she genuinely cares about everyone. Well everyone she should care about.. :P
I wish I could be a better friend to her, like she deserves. She's very smart, especially at English I think.
She's on the left >>
I'm the ugly one :)
She may think she's not that good looking but I really think she's beautiful. I love all night conversations with her at sleepovers.
She's my bestie from the westie!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things to do when you're bored.

  • Read my blogs. Some are entertaining.
  • Have a freezing cold bath, when you get out you won't be cold.
  • Watch all the Harry Potter movies BACKWARDS
  • Go to
  • Write a letter to your neighbour about the neighbourhood pedofile.
  • Play monopoly by yourself.
  • Install a reem
  • Decide on your favourite font on microsoft word.
  • Write a blog about what to do when you're bored.
  • Look through the school photos and decide if more than half are virgins or not.
  • Install a myspace app like Hero World!
  • Learn the lyrics to all the songs in your itunes.
  • Read one of your mums self help books.
  • Count the sheets of toilet paper on a roll.
  • Polish the rocks outside.
  • Make a first aid kit.
  • Rename all the photos on your phone.
  • Invent a blonde joke.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why chocolate is better than sex.

1. You can GET chocolate whenever you want.

2. “If you love me you'll swallow that” has real meaning with chocolate.

3. Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft.

4. You can safely have chocolate while you are driving.

5. You can make chocolate last as long as you want i
t to.

6. You can have chocolate even in front of your

7. If you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate won't mind.

8. Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called nasty names.

9. The word “commitment” doesn't scare off chocolate.

10. You can have chocolate on top of your workbench/desk during working hours without upsetting your co-workers.

11. You can ask a stranger for chocolate
without getting your face slapped.

12. You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate.

13. With chocolate there's no need to fake it.

14. Chocolate doesn't make you pregnant.

15. You can have chocolate at any time of the month.

16. Good chocolate is easy to find.

17. You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle.

18. You are never too young or too old for chocolate.

19. When you have chocolate it does not keep your neighbors awake.

20. With chocolate size doesn't matter.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Only me..

Hi. I'm Amanda. My life isn't particularly interesting or boring but I like to think I make boring situations just that bit more exciting :P Depends who I'm with really.. The first thing to know about me is that I try my best to be nice. People say what I'm thinking usually comes out on my face, so if I'm thinking about something I don't like and looking at someone they tend to think I'm giving them a dirty never goes down well. Next issss I may be a hypocrite, but you are too and I hate hypocrites. :P I hate stupid couples in year 8 who are in love after a week and have sex then cry when they get dumped and decide they are depressed and starve themselves and cut their wrists..ATTENTION SEEKERS!
But I do have a boyfriend who is so nice :) His name is Tom. We've been together since 23.2.08 so about a year and 3 months. If you hate girls talking about their boyfriends don't look at my page. That's him playing soccer, he's in the red << (I'm a bad photographer). When I go to his house I play his ps3 and wear his socks because my feet get really cold. When he comes to my house we watch Beauty And The Geek and eat chocolate.

If I'm not with Tom..which is alot I'd probably be with a friend or occasionally my mum. My mum is very awesome. She likes to buy trashy magazines and sing loudly in the morning and have a choc top whenever she goes to the movies. I love her :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What I like about Tom.

-He has one of those carpets with roads on them.
-He also hates mushrooms.
-He knows the words to random songs.

-He makes me get my work done.

-He lets me pretend I'm stronger than him.

-He says 'hello' in a funny way when he answers the phone.

-He doesn't mind when I talk through movies.
-He understands how I hate everyone younger than me.
-He takes the time to explain in depth what a motherboard is. Then show me one.
-He doesn't get embarrassed when I dress up.
-He doesn't look down on me for being crap at ps3 games.

-He has his own ensuite bathroom!

-He has the same OCD habits as me.

-He lets me watch him play soccer.

-He doesn't mind me overcelebrating every occasion.

-He lets me wear his soccer socks.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What I Believe.

~ The people who design Woolworths decide to change all the aisles around as soon as they think you've just adapted to it so it keeps you interested.

~ It is not in the male gene to sleep with girls and not care about their feelings. Just most men are like that.

~ Its not a human right to be loved by your parents.

~ If friends copy you it's not because they want to be like you, its too majorly piss you off.

~ Most people design their myspaces to make themselves look cooler than they are.

~ People who insist they are trustworthy of secrets are insecure and need to feel like someone trusts them.

~ Not all feminists are lesbians.

~ Nerds are the ones who don't care what people think.

~ Anyone who thinks apologising is a sign of weakness has alot of weakness in themselves. And is selfish. Very selfish. Yes I mean you.

~ Religions like scientology and bands like Kiss and Slipknot are very 'look at me' and make up stupid beliefs/dress up because they want to seem like an exclusive religion/their music is shit.

~ People who insult you aren't insecure or secretly jealous. Maybe they're just bored.

~ Photoshopping and photography show more artistic talent than painting and drawing.

~ Bitching about weather is very conversational.

~ People make better looking people than themselves on The Sims.

~ Spelling is extremely important.

~ People with extravagant bedrooms are lonely.

~ Everyone can do whatever the fuck they want.

~ What people wear says alot about them. So does who they go out with.

~ Certain girls love being called sluts.

~ People who go hyper all the time are miserable.

~ You don't come out a stronger person after being dumped.

~ Someones greatest asset is how they handle difficult friends.

~ Inner beauty is defined by what you believe in.

~ The future is constantly changing.

~ Teachers really do like to see students do well. Except the ones they hate : )

~ Everyone has a way of expressing themselves. Whether its gushing to their friends, art, writing poems, playing music,
playing sport, the way they dress, acting or singing. Mine is writing blogs.

~ Heroes are a good thing to have. Mine is a certain author that hates men.

~ There's at least one person you think doesn't like you, who thinks about you everyday.

~ No one is completely happy with themselves. Everyone wants what they don't have.

~ Manners are essential.

~ Reality shows are social experiments.

~ In the time you straighten your hair, a child is abused.

~ People who constantly lol or haha are really boring.

~ Aussie pride is gay. (Too judgemental?)

~ Being judgemental isn't a horrible thing...

~ If you wear a tiara, every girl in the room will hate you.