Friday, May 1, 2009

Things to do when you're bored.

  • Read my blogs. Some are entertaining.
  • Have a freezing cold bath, when you get out you won't be cold.
  • Watch all the Harry Potter movies BACKWARDS
  • Go to
  • Write a letter to your neighbour about the neighbourhood pedofile.
  • Play monopoly by yourself.
  • Install a reem
  • Decide on your favourite font on microsoft word.
  • Write a blog about what to do when you're bored.
  • Look through the school photos and decide if more than half are virgins or not.
  • Install a myspace app like Hero World!
  • Learn the lyrics to all the songs in your itunes.
  • Read one of your mums self help books.
  • Count the sheets of toilet paper on a roll.
  • Polish the rocks outside.
  • Make a first aid kit.
  • Rename all the photos on your phone.
  • Invent a blonde joke.

1 comment:

  1. I love the harry potter one.
    I've watched them in all orders. :P
