Thursday, May 28, 2009

The best friend.

Her name is Ashlea. We met in kindergarten when we were both loners and our teacher Mrs Foote (haha like foot) introduced us. Ashlea remembers it but I don't, I wish I did. She's the kindest, sweetest, most understanding friend anyone could ever have. She would never break a promise, and she genuinely cares about everyone. Well everyone she should care about.. :P
I wish I could be a better friend to her, like she deserves. She's very smart, especially at English I think.
She's on the left >>
I'm the ugly one :)
She may think she's not that good looking but I really think she's beautiful. I love all night conversations with her at sleepovers.
She's my bestie from the westie!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things to do when you're bored.

  • Read my blogs. Some are entertaining.
  • Have a freezing cold bath, when you get out you won't be cold.
  • Watch all the Harry Potter movies BACKWARDS
  • Go to
  • Write a letter to your neighbour about the neighbourhood pedofile.
  • Play monopoly by yourself.
  • Install a reem
  • Decide on your favourite font on microsoft word.
  • Write a blog about what to do when you're bored.
  • Look through the school photos and decide if more than half are virgins or not.
  • Install a myspace app like Hero World!
  • Learn the lyrics to all the songs in your itunes.
  • Read one of your mums self help books.
  • Count the sheets of toilet paper on a roll.
  • Polish the rocks outside.
  • Make a first aid kit.
  • Rename all the photos on your phone.
  • Invent a blonde joke.